70+ Ways to Easily Reach Your Sustainable Living Goals


There’s a powerful tool you have access to every single day. The power to choose. Every decision you make, from what you're eating to where you shop, has an impact. 

When it comes to sustainable living, almost every decision you take creates a ripple effect. Where you spend your money matters. What you eat matters. What you wear matters. 

As consumers, we can demand better products, fair wages, and sustainable practices from the businesses we buy from. But to live a more sustainable lifestyle, we need to understand what sustainable living is. 

What is Sustainable Living? 

There is no universal definition of sustainable living. But in essence, sustainable living is the practice of reducing one’s carbon footprint. This means adopting a lifestyle that complies with the 3 R’s—reduce, reuse, and recycle. 

The ultimate goal of living sustainably is to reduce the impact your actions have on the environment by taking positive actions. A great way to start is by changing your habits.  

In an unsustainable world, practicing sustainability can be hard. But it’s not impossible. 

In America, 77% of people want to learn how to live a sustainable lifestyle. And 84.4% have already started to change their habits. 1

This is shifting the way consumers shop. It’s impacting their decision-making. Consumers are looking for more eco-friendly options that align with their values. 

If you are one of them, there are many actions you can take to reduce your carbon footprint. Some are radical changes, and some you’ll barely notice. Whatever you’re able to do is a step forward. 

It doesn’t matter if you already practice sustainable living, or if this is the beginning of your journey. If you are wondering how to start living sustainably, here are some ideas to help you reach your goals. 

70+ Ways to Practice Sustainable Living 

Sustainable Living at Home 

  1. Grow your own herbs/veggies 

  2. Eat plant-based at least once a day 

  3. Cook more meals from scratch  

  4. Bring your containers when getting take out

  5. Switch to eco-friendly cleaning supplies 

  6. Take 5-minute/shorter showers  

  7. Compost your food scraps 

  8. Reduce food waste 

  9. Recycle 

  10. Turn off lights when you exit rooms 

  11. Swap paper-towels for reusable kitchen cloths 

  12. Switch to vegetable milk (oat milk, almond milk, etc) 

  13. Don’t buy/use paper plates

  14. Make your own snacks 

  15. Unplug anything your not using

  16. Switch to clean energy 

  17. Unsubscribe from junk mail and email 

  18. Buy appliance/electronics with a certification by Energy Star 

  19. Switch to LED lights

  20. Turn your water heater down to 120 °F (48.89 °C)

  21. Install a low flow shower head

  22. Seal air leaks in your home 

  23. Run your dishwasher only when is at full capacity 

  24. Turn down your thermostat 

  25. Fix leaky faucets 

  26. Hang your clothes instead of using a dryer 

  27. Re-purpose your glass jars 

  28. Ditch your dish sponge, use a silicone one instead 

  29. Wrap gifts with newspaper/recycled paper 

  30. Close the faucet when doing dishes and brushing your teeth 

  31. Get rid of things you don’t need or use

    Actions for a Sustainable Lifestyle

  32. Carry a reusable bottle of water

  33. Carry a reusable coffee thermos 

  34. Buy second-hand clothes 

  35. Avoid all single-use plastic 

  36. Don’t buy bottled water, get a filter instead 

  37. Order your ice cream on a cone 

  38. Make your own coffee 

  39. Use natural/clean cosmetics 

  40. Ride your bike to work 

  41. Use public transport

  42. Practice slow fashion

  43. Offset carbon emissions when you travel 

  44. Travel with your own bathroom kit

  45. Vote for ecologically responsible candidates

  46. Don’t litter 

  47. Order less stuff online 

  48. Switch to bar shampoo and soap 

  49. Tell your friends about sustainable living 

  50. Recycle your clothes 

  51. Spend more time in nature 

  52. Use a menstrual cup 

  53. Eat less meat 

  54. Join your local co-op 

  55. Refuse plastic cutlery and napkins 

  56. Carry a handkerchief, instead of tissues 

  57. Make your own face and body scrubs 

  58. Skip the elevator, use the stairs 

    Shopping and Sustainable Living

  59. Read labels, avoid harmful chemicals 

  60. Bring your own bags

  61. Think before you bag, avoid unnecessary plastic

  62. Buy products with compostable/biodegradable wrapping 

  63. Buy fresh bread from bakeries 

  64. Go shopping at local farmers markets 

  65. Don’t buy animal skin/fur products 

  66. Buy bulk 

  67. Buy fair trade products 

  68. Buy tea in bulk

  69. Avoid products that contain microplastics (like toothpaste and facial cleansers) 

  70. Don’t buy from fast fashion brands

  71. Buy local and organic 

  72. Buy less stuff

  73. Be a wise consumer, buy from brands who practice sustainability

  74. When you fly, book coach

  75. Think twice when shopping, if you don’t need it—don't buy it

How to Start Building a Sustainable Lifestyle 

The first step to sustainable living is simply being aware. Don’t feel guilty or overwhelmed. Do what you can with what you have. And then, improve it. 

My journey to sustainable living started years ago. It’s not perfect, but it’s always improving. Take it one habit at a time. It becomes easier over time and even the smallest habit change, has a positive impact. 

Find support from friends and family whose values align with yours. Hold each other accountable and celebrate victories. 

We are all responsible for protecting our planet, and together, we can do more. 

And remember, the most impactful thing you can do to help our planet is vote for candidates who care. Speak up. Tell your representatives to support legislation that helps climate change. 

Get involved in local or national movements that seek a common good, which is to protect our planet. Every single person living on this planet will benefit. 

If you can, donate to nonprofit organizations seeing for our planet. 



Ana Mexia4 Comments