The Best 6 Climate Week Events To be Part of in 2020


It’s Climate Week 2020! A lot has gone down this year, and because of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s events might look a bit different from what was in store. But Climate Week is still happening, and there are a lot of exciting events happening online. 

This year’s Climate Week is happening September 21-27 2020. 

Last year, I joined one of the biggest protests I’ve ever been to. Hundreds of thousands of people, marching in the streets of New York City, demanding climate action. 

After the protest and a few powerful speeches by Greta Thunberg and other climate activists, I left with mixed emotions. 

A strong feeling of hope, meeting so many people who, like me, want to see a change in our world. People who want to preserve its beauty, and who are ready to take action to do it. 

A feeling of unity with all the surrounding people, who I’ve never met before, but shared an uplifting energy and an important mission with me.

I also felt fear and guilt. Fear, after hearing stories from many people whose life has already been affected deeply by climate change and environmental injustice. And guilt for not being able to do more. 

Those emotions are still alive today. The hope and the fear. The unity and the guilt. And even if a huge protest might not happen this year, the fight for climate justice doesn’t stop. It never does. 

Before we dive in into the amazing events happening this week, let’s recap a bit. 

What is Climate Week? 

Climate Week NYC is an annual summit where world leaders, organizations, and activists get together to discuss and showcase climate action. This year, the focus of the event is about COVID-19 and how we rebuild afterwards. Climate Week takes place along the UN General Assembly. 

Climate Week NYC started in 2009 and it’s now the biggest climate event of the year. Last year’s summit included speeches from activists, like Greta Thunberg, and World Leaders, like Jacinda Ardern. 

This year’s event comes at a critical time for climate action. With the USA election around the corner, and the president who believes climate change is “a hoax”. Now more than ever, we must speak up about climate change and environmental racism. 

If you’re ready to get involved in this year’s summit, these are the top events happening online for Climate Week NYC 2020: 

1. COP26 & The Zero Carbon Growth Agenda

The UN Race to Zero and the Climate Group collide to bring you a great event. Lead by Nigel Topping and Gonzalo Muñoz, this is one of the kick off events for Climate Week. 

Speakers include Helen Clarkson, CEO of Climate Group, philanthropist Michael Bloomberg, President of Microsoft, Brad Smith, among others. 

“This event frames the zero carbon growth agenda and brings to life the race to a healthier, fairer, more resilient future underway and accelerating in every part of the global economy.”

Watch this free event through Facebook Watch on Monday, September 21 at 13:30 EST. 

2. Innovation in Sustainability & Waste

Ready to take the next step into a more sustainable lifestyle? This workshop is for you. Learn about the most recent innovation regarding sustainability and waste. 

You’ll learn how to grow your own food indoors, with no soil. Led by expert Megan Nordgrén, Director of Program Development at NY Sun Works. 

Other speakers and workshops include Vivian Lin, founder at Ground Cycle, and Laura Rubin, Brand Experience Marketing Manager at Bowery Farming. 

Learn about hydroponics, food waste, composting, and more! 

Register for this free event here, happening on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 at 7:00 PM EST. Donations accepted. 

3. 2020 Summit Reimagined - The Value of Building Business Resilience

A two-day virtual event that’s set to be informative, engaging, and fun. With over 20 speakers and panelists, this event will be one of a kind. 

This summit includes Keynote Plenaries like: 

  • Supply Chain Resiliency – Why, What and How? Featuring Victoria Oster, from TELSA 

  • Moving Towards a Future of Regeneration, Innovation & Net Positive Impact. Featuring Martin Wolf from Seventh Generation

  • The Value of People and Leadership During Uncertain Times – How to Navigate Towards What’s Next? Featuring Zandra Cunningham from Zandra Beauty 

This event will give you the chance to network and talk to some speakers and panelists, as well as other attendees. 

Register to this paid event here (tickets start at $55). Taking place on Tue, Sep 22, 2020, 2:00 PM – Wed,  Sep 23, 2020, 5:00 PM EST

4. Marketplace of the future

Market place of the future-2020-CLIMATE-WEEK

Marketplace Of The Future is a true unique affair, and the closing event of Climate Week 2020. In this event you get a sneak peek into the future of a sustainable world. 

Attendees will be able to explore a virtual map with a 8-bit avatar. The virtual map allows you to interact with other attendees, meet sustainable brands, and attend workshops and conferences.

Other great activities include finding hidden Easter eggs, and discovering the known, and some not-so-known solutions to climate change. All in a virtual world that showcases the future of a sustainable planet. 

They’re also bringing the online experience offline, allowing you to plant trees and coral on the map, which will be matched in real life.

Register for this donation based event here. Happening on Friday, September 27 from 12:00 - 9:00 PM EST. 

You don’t want to miss this unique experience! 

5. Microplastic Madness Virtual Screening


A screening of the popular film Microplastic Madness, which showcases the story of Brooklyn native 5th graders, who are living on the front lines of climate change. A truly inspiring film you don’t want to miss. 

Based in Red Hook, Brooklyn and back by popular demand, this film shows how kids respond to the plastic pollution issue, and how they take action. Ideal for the whole family to watch.

After the screening, there’s a live Q&A with Debby Lee Cohen and Atsuko Quirk (co-directors and producers).  

Watch the free live screening and join the Q&A here.

6. The En-ROADS Climate Workshop

A virtual experience like no other. This real-time simulator allows you to virtually experience the impact of different climate solutions. Developed by MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative and Climate Interactive, this is a great opportunity to learn about climate change. 

The simulation allows you to propose climate solutions and watch them play-out in real time. It addresses issues like energy efficiency, fossil fuel taxes, reducing deforestation, and carbon dioxide removal. 

Sign up for this free event here. Happening on Thursday, September 26 at 7:00 AM EST and at 2:00 PM EST. 

Do you want to know what else is going on? These are only a few of the hundreds of events happening on Climate Week NYC. 

See and join other events here

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues we’re facing, and it requires immediate action. The most important act you can do to support climate change, is to vote for representatives, senators, and PRESIDENTS, who believe and are ready to tackle climate change. 

This next election, VOTE GREEN!

Ana MexiaComment