5 Good Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Sustainability Copywriter.

Every business needs words— words sell. And a copywriter helps your business by crafting words that sell. Everyone can write, but not everyone can write quality content aimed to boost sales and traffic. 

Copywriting is more than just writing. A copywriter brings value to your business by creating customized, original content, saving you time, and keeping your site fresh and up to date. 

You can have dazzling designs, beautiful images, and brilliant videos, but words are what sells. If you’re tired of staring at a blank screen— it’s time to hire a sustainability copywriter. 

5 Ways a Sustainability Copywriter Will Help You Grow Your Business.

1. Boost your SEO + Grow Your Organic Traffic 

With the lifeline of cookies and targeted ads hanging by a tread, SEO and organic traffic is more important than ever.¹ Most Americans are exposed to 4,000 to 10,000 ads a day. ² The space is over-crowded… and most people scroll right past them. 

This makes a copywriter a key tool in boosting your SEO, your ranking in Google, and your organic traffic. By boosting your website’s SEO you get to your ideal clients without paying for ads. How? By being on the first page of Google. 

If you’re using SEO correctly, you’re targeting your ideal audience and making it easy for them to find you. Most shopping starts with a search on Google or other search engines. Why not focus your marketing on appearing first on those endless searches? 

Organic leads are an effective and affordable way to grow your business. 

“78% of consumers will trust your brand if you create more customized content” — Neil Patel. 

2. Get Your Tone and Voice Aligned. 

Your tone and voice are some of the things that make your business stand out. It’s what people remember about your brand. And keeping a consistent voice on all your channels helps customers feel familiar with your brand. 

Think of your voice and tone as the personality of your brand. It’s the way you express your company's values and views. And a copywriter captures your voice and uses it to appeal to your audience. To help you stand out.  

If you haven’t developed a voice and tone that’s unique to your brand… don’t worry. An eco-friendly copywriter, like me, helps you find it. 

3. “Content Marketing is The Only Marketing Left” - Seth Godin 

A good copywriter has mastered the art of content creation— ebooks, newsletters, or blogs. White papers or case studies. Whatever your business needs. 

Creating content is critical for a good online presence. It helps you build trust with your audience, boost your SEO, and keeps people on your site longer. A study showed that a potential client is 131% more likely to buy after reading content from a brand. ³

If you’re sharing useful content on your website at no extra cost to your customers, they keep coming back to your site. They become not only your clients but your fans. Those that tell their friends about your amazing brand, share your content, and more. 

People look for answers to their questions on search engines. By answering their questions, you become an authority in the field, making sure they trust you + your products. 

4. A Sustainability Copywriter Knows Your Ideal Client


A good sustainable copywriter bases their writing on research. They know your ideal audience— their fears, their doubts, and their hopes. They understand what makes a browser buy a product. 

With so much misinformation and doubts surrounding sustainability and eco-friendly products, knowing your audience is a must. 

Experience teaches you a few things about consumers— you learn about their struggles or fears related to your product, and what they love about it. A copywriter uses this valuable information to craft effective copy aimed to pursue your audience. 

People don’t buy your product for what it is. They buy it for what it does for them. They want to know how your product is making their lives easier. How your product solves their issues. A copywriter taps into all these benefits your audience is looking for and delivers writing to appeal to them.

5. More Free Time to Focus on Crucial Tasks 

Copy that sells is not created in a day. Good copy requires research, planning, writing, editing, proofing, and more. Who has time for all that when you’re running a business? 

Put your energy into the tasks that keep your business going. Leave the writing to an expert sustainable copywriter. And if you’re worried about ROI, here’s a few facts to clear any doubts: 

  • Websites using a content marketing strategy see a 7.8x increase in unique visitors than companies focusing on follows. ⁴

  • You pay 62% less for content marketing than traditional marketing... and it creates three times more leads. ⁵

  • 90% of customers find custom content relevant and useful. ⁵

Good copy throughout your website and inspiring content are the foundation of a successful business. Investing in a professional makes your business look professional. Strengthen your online presence with a sustainability copywriter in your team! 

Ana MexiaComment